conda_recipe_manager.licenses package


conda_recipe_manager.licenses.spdx_utils module


Provides a class that reads in the SPDX licensing database file to support SPDX utilities.

SPDX Data Source (freely available for use):
class conda_recipe_manager.licenses.spdx_utils.SpdxUtils[source]

Bases: object

Class that provides SPDX tooling from the SPDX license database file.

find_closest_license_match(license_field: str) str | None[source]

Given a license string from a recipe file (from /about/license), return the most likely ID in the SPDX database by string approximation.

TODO Future: We might want to evaluate these tools for future use as they likely do a better job at matching licenses to the SPDX standard.


license_field -- License string provided by the recipe to match


The closest matching SPDX identifier, if found

Module contents