Source code for conda_recipe_manager.licenses.spdx_utils

:Description: Provides a class that reads in the SPDX licensing database file to support SPDX utilities.

                SPDX Data Source (freely available for use):


from __future__ import annotations

import difflib
import json
from importlib.resources import files
from import Traversable
from typing import Final, Optional, cast

# Path to the SPDX JSON database. This should remain inside this module. This is stored as the raw JSON file so that
# we can easily update from the SPDX source on GitHub.
SPDX_LICENSE_JSON_FILE: Final[Traversable] = files("conda_recipe_manager.licenses").joinpath("spdx_licenses.json")

# SPDX expression operators
SPDX_EXPRESSION_OPS: Final[set[str]] = {"AND", "OR", "WITH"}

[docs] class SpdxUtils: """ Class that provides SPDX tooling from the SPDX license database file. """ def __init__(self) -> None: """ Constructs a SPDX utility instance. Reads data from the JSON file provided by the module. """ # Initialize the raw data self._raw_spdx_data = cast( dict[str, list[dict[str, str]]], json.loads(SPDX_LICENSE_JSON_FILE.read_text(encoding="utf-8")) ) # Generate a few look-up tables for license matching once during initialization for faster future look-ups. self._license_matching_table: dict[str, str] = {} self._license_ids: set[str] = set() for license_data in self._raw_spdx_data["licenses"]: license_id = license_data["licenseId"] license_name = license_data["name"] # SPDX IDs are unique and used for SPDX validation. Commonly recipes use variations on names or IDs, so we # want to map both options to the same ID. self._license_matching_table[license_name] = license_id self._license_matching_table[license_id] = license_id self._license_ids.add(license_id) # Custom patch table that attempts to correct common SPDX licensing mistakes that our other methodologies cannot # handle. Maps: `MISTAKE` (all uppercase) -> `Corrected` self._license_matching_patch_tbl: Final[dict[str, str]] = { # This commonly used name is not close enough for `difflib` to recognize 'BSD 2-CLAUSE "SIMPLIFIED"': "BSD-2-Clause", # Some R packages use "Unlimited". This is the mapping the team agreed to use in a Slack thread. "UNLIMITED": "NOASSERTION", }
[docs] def find_closest_license_match(self, license_field: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Given a license string from a recipe file (from `/about/license`), return the most likely ID in the SPDX database by string approximation. TODO Future: We might want to evaluate these tools for future use as they likely do a better job at matching licenses to the SPDX standard. - - :param license_field: License string provided by the recipe to match :returns: The closest matching SPDX identifier, if found """ # Short-circuit on perfect matches if license_field in self._license_ids: return license_field sanitized_license = license_field.strip().upper() # TODO: Improve this logic to support SPDX expressions. # Don't simplify compound licenses that might get accidentally simplified for op in SPDX_EXPRESSION_OPS: if op in sanitized_license: return None if "," in sanitized_license: return None # Correct known commonly used licenses that can't be handled by `difflib` if sanitized_license in self._license_matching_patch_tbl: return self._license_matching_patch_tbl[sanitized_license] match_list = difflib.get_close_matches(license_field, self._license_matching_table.keys(), 1) if not match_list: return None match_key = match_list[0] # This shouldn't be possible, but we'll guard against it to prevent an illegal dictionary access anyways if match_key not in self._license_matching_table: return None return self._license_matching_table[match_key]