Source code for

import argparse
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

import conda.plugins
from import App

from conda_tui.screens import EnvironmentScreen
from conda_tui.screens import HomeScreen
from conda_tui.screens import PackageListScreen
from conda_tui.screens import ShellCommandScreen

[docs] class CondaTUI(App): """A hacked-together Conda Text User Interface (TUI).""" TITLE = "conda-tui" CSS_PATH = Path("styles.css") SCREENS = { "home": HomeScreen(), "environments": EnvironmentScreen(), "package_list": PackageListScreen(), } BINDINGS = [ ("h", "switch_screen('home')", "Home"), ("e", "switch_screen('environments')", "Environments"), ("i", "run_command(['conda', 'info'])", "Info"), ("q", "quit", "Quit"), ("?", "run_command(['conda', '-h'])", "Help"), ]
[docs] def on_mount(self) -> None: """When we start up, push the home screen. This allows us to use switch_screen to switch between the various views without having an infinitely-growing screen stack. """ self.push_screen("home")
[docs] def action_run_command(self, command: list[str]) -> None: screen = ShellCommandScreen(command) self.push_screen(screen)
[docs] def run(argv: Optional[list[str]] = None) -> None: """Run the application.""" # We have to consider multiple ways of launching the application: # * conda tui # * conda-tui # * python -m conda_tui # When we use `conda tui`, this function is called with prefix args removed. # For the other two ways, we have to remove the first system argument # to remove the root executable. if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("conda tui") parser.add_argument("--no-dark", action="store_true", help="Disable dark mode") args = parser.parse_args(argv) app = CondaTUI() app.dark = not args.no_dark
[docs] @conda.plugins.hookimpl def conda_subcommands(): yield conda.plugins.CondaSubcommand( name="tui", summary="A Terminal User Interface for conda", action=run, )