:Description: Provides a Dependency Scanner class capable of finding dependencies in a Python project's source code.
from __future__ import annotations
import ast
import pkgutil
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Final
from conda_recipe_manager.parser.dependency import DependencySection
from conda_recipe_manager.scanner.dependency.base_dep_scanner import (
from conda_recipe_manager.types import MessageCategory
# Table that maps import names that do not match the package name for common packages. See this StackOverflow post for
# more details:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54886143/why-are-some-python-package-names-different-than-their-import-name
_IMPORT_TO_DEPENDENCY_NAME_TBL: Final[dict[str, str]] = {
"git": "gitpython",
"yaml": "pyyaml",
"PIL": "pillow",
"sklearn": "scikit-learn",
"tables": "pytables",
"cv": "py-opencv",
"cv2": "py-opencv",
"OpenGL": "pyopengl",
class PythonDependencyScanner(BaseDependencyScanner):
Dependency Scanner class capable of scanning Python source code.
def _correct_module_to_dependency(module: str) -> str:
Corrects common dependency names that are not the same as their imported name.
:param module: Module name to correct
:returns: The corrected name, if one is found. Otherwise, the original string.
return module
def _is_likely_test_file(file: Path) -> bool:
Attempts to determine if a Python file is a test file.
:param file: Path to the file to check
:returns: True if we determine that this file/path likely points to a test file.
# NOTE: This is by no means a perfect function. We will have to iterate on this approach over time.
sanitized_name: Final[str] = file.name.lower()
if sanitized_name.startswith("test_") or sanitized_name.endswith("_test.py"):
return True
# TODO: Check with the `ast` library if pytest, unittest, pyfakefs, etc are imported(?)
return False
def __init__(self, src_dir: Path | str):
Constructs a `PythonDependencyScanner`.
:param src_dir: Path to the Python source code to scan.
self._src_dir: Final[Path] = Path(src_dir)
def _get_project_modules(self) -> set[str]:
Calculates the set of module names found in this project. These will not need to be listed as dependencies in
the recipe file (as they are a part of the project).
:returns: A set of unique dependencies defined in this project's source code.
return {name for _, name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules([str(self._src_dir)])}
def _scan_one_file(self, file: Path) -> set[ProjectDependency]:
Helper function that scans one Python file for dependencies.
:returns: Set of project dependencies found in the target Python file.
deps: set[ProjectDependency] = set()
project_modules: Final[set[str]] = self._get_project_modules()
# Adapted from:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9008451/python-easy-way-to-read-all-import-statements-from-py-module
root = ast.parse(file.read_text(), file)
for node in ast.walk(root):
if not isinstance(node, (ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom)):
module_names = []
if isinstance(node, ast.Import):
# Handle multiple (comma-separated) imports on one line
for alias in node.names:
elif node.module is not None:
for module_name in module_names:
# TODO filter relative imports
# Filter-out the standard library modules and local module names (i.e. modules defined in the target
# project).
if not module_name or module_name in sys.stdlib_module_names or module_name in project_modules:
package_name = PythonDependencyScanner._correct_module_to_dependency(module_name)
# Most Python imports fall under the `run` section in the Conda recipe format. The major exception is
# any import found in test code.
dep_type = (
if PythonDependencyScanner._is_likely_test_file(file)
else DependencySection.RUN
deps.add(new_project_dependency(package_name, dep_type))
return deps
def scan(self) -> set[ProjectDependency]:
Actively scans a project for dependencies.
:returns: A set of unique dependencies found by the scanner.
# TODO parallelize this? Some preliminary performance tests show conflicting results using `multiprocessing`
# pools. Very large Python projects can see a 50% reduction in scanning while small projects take a 30%-40% hit
# in speed with spin-up costs.
all_imports: set[ProjectDependency] = set()
for file in self._src_dir.rglob("*.py"):
all_imports |= self._scan_one_file(file)
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught
MessageCategory.EXCEPTION, f"Exception encountered while scanning `{file}`: {e}"
# `RUN` dependencies are automatically added as `TEST` dependencies, so we need to filter if there are
# (effectively) duplicates
def _filter_test_duplicates(dep: ProjectDependency) -> bool:
if (
dep.type == DependencySection.TESTS
and ProjectDependency(dep.data, DependencySection.RUN) in all_imports
return False
return True
all_imports = set(filter(_filter_test_duplicates, all_imports))
# TODO determine if users care to attempt to determine if `types-*` packages are to be included for common
# libraries.
# TODO filter unused imports
# Python is inherently a HOST and RUN dependency for all Python projects.
all_imports.add(new_project_dependency("python", DependencySection.HOST))
all_imports.add(new_project_dependency("python", DependencySection.RUN))
return all_imports