:Description: Custom parser for selector recipe selector syntax. This parser does not evaluate Python code directly,
and should therefore not be affected by the execution vulnerability in the V0 recipe format.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Final, Optional
from conda_recipe_manager.parser._is_modifiable import IsModifiable
from conda_recipe_manager.parser.enums import ALL_LOGIC_OPS, LogicOp, SchemaVersion
from conda_recipe_manager.parser.platform_types import (
from conda_recipe_manager.parser.selector_query import SelectorQuery
# A selector is comprised of known operators and special types, or (in V0 recipes) arbitrary Python strings
SelectorValue = LogicOp | PlatformQualifiers | str
class _SelectorNode:
Represents a node in a selector parse tree. This class should not be used outside of this module.
def __init__(self, value: str):
Constructs a selector node
:param value: Selector value stored in the node
# Enumerate special/known selector types
def _init_value() -> SelectorValue:
lower_val: Final[str] = value.lower()
if lower_val in ALL_PLATFORMS:
return Platform(lower_val)
if lower_val in ALL_OPERATING_SYSTEMS:
return OperatingSystem(lower_val)
if lower_val in ALL_ARCHITECTURES:
return Arch(lower_val)
if lower_val in ALL_LOGIC_OPS:
return LogicOp(lower_val)
return value
self.value: Final[SelectorValue] = _init_value()
# Left and right nodes
self.l_node: Optional[_SelectorNode] = None
self.r_node: Optional[_SelectorNode] = None
def __str__(self) -> str:
Returns a debug string representation of a sub-tree rooted at this node.
:returns: Node's debug string
l_str: Final[str] = "" if self.l_node is None else f" L {self.l_node}"
r_str: Final[str] = "" if self.r_node is None else f" R {self.r_node}"
return f"{self.value}{l_str}{r_str}"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
Returns a common string representation of a node
:returns: Node's value
return str(self.value)
def is_logical_op(self) -> bool:
Indicates if the node represents an operation
:returns: True if the node represents an operation
return self.value in ALL_LOGIC_OPS
class SelectorParser(IsModifiable):
Parses a selector statement
def _process_postfix_stack(stack: list[_SelectorNode]) -> Optional[_SelectorNode]:
Recursively processes the postfix stack of nodes, building a tree
:returns: Current node in the tree
if not stack:
return None
cur = stack.pop()
match cur.value:
case LogicOp.NOT:
cur.l_node = SelectorParser._process_postfix_stack(stack)
case LogicOp.AND | LogicOp.OR:
cur.r_node = SelectorParser._process_postfix_stack(stack)
cur.l_node = SelectorParser._process_postfix_stack(stack)
return cur
def _parse_selector_tree(tokens: list[str]) -> Optional[_SelectorNode]:
Constructs a selector parse tree
:param tokens: Selector tokens to process
:returns: The root of the parse tree
# Shunting yard
op_stack: list[_SelectorNode] = []
postfix_stack: list[_SelectorNode] = []
while tokens:
node = _SelectorNode(tokens.pop(0))
if node.is_logical_op():
# `NOT` has the highest precedence. For example:
# - `not osx and win` is interpreted as `(not osx) and win`
# - In Python, `not True or True` is interpreted as `(not True) or True`, returning `True`
if node.value != LogicOp.NOT:
while op_stack and op_stack[-1].value == LogicOp.NOT:
while op_stack:
root = SelectorParser._process_postfix_stack(postfix_stack)
return root
def __init__(self, content: str, schema_version: SchemaVersion):
Constructs and parses a selector string
:param content: Selector string to parse
:param schema_version: Schema the recipe uses
self._schema_version: Final[SchemaVersion] = schema_version
# Sanitizes content string
def _init_content() -> str:
# TODO Future: validate with Selector regex for consistency, not string indexing.
if self._schema_version == SchemaVersion.V0 and content and content[0] == "[" and content[-1] == "]":
return content[1:-1]
return content
self._content: Final[str] = _init_content()
self._root = SelectorParser._parse_selector_tree(self._content.split())
def __str__(self) -> str:
Returns a debug string representation of the parser.
:returns: Parser's debug string
return f"Schema: V{self._schema_version} | Tree: {self._root}"
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
Checks equivalency between two SelectorParsers.
:returns: True if both selectors are equivalent. False otherwise.
if not isinstance(other, SelectorParser):
return False
# TODO Improve: This is a short-hand for checking if the two parse trees are the same
return self._schema_version == other._schema_version and str(self) == str(other)
def does_selector_apply(self, query: SelectorQuery) -> bool:
Determines if this selector applies to the current target environment.
:param query: Target environment constraints.
:returns: True if the selector applies to the current situation. False otherwise.
# TODO support more than platforms
platform_set: Final[set[Platform]] = self.get_selected_platforms()
if query.platform is not None:
return query.platform in platform_set
# No constraints? No problem!
return True
def render(self) -> str:
Renders the selector as it would appear in a recipe file.
:returns: The rendered equivalent selector.
# TODO Add V1 support
# TODO will need to render from the tree if we add editing functionality.
match self._schema_version:
case SchemaVersion.V0:
return f"[{self._content.strip()}]"
case SchemaVersion.V1:
return self._content