# conda-pypi Welcome to the `conda-pypi` documentation! `conda-pypi` allows you to run `conda pip install ...` in a safe way, and many other things. :::{warning} This project is still in early stages of development. Don't use it in production (yet). We do welcome feedback on what the expected behaviour should have been if something doesn't work! ::: ::::{grid} 2 :::{grid-item-card} 🏡 Getting started :link: quickstart :link-type: doc New to `conda-pypi`? Start here to learn the essentials ::: :::{grid-item-card} 💡 Motivation and vision :link: why :link-type: doc Read about why `conda-pypi` exists and when you should use it ::: :::: ::::{grid} 2 :::{grid-item-card} 🍱 Features :link: features :link-type: doc Overview of what `conda-pypi` can do for you ::: :::: ```{toctree} :hidden: quickstart why features ```