Source code for conda_project.project

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Anaconda, Inc
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
from __future__ import annotations

import json
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import tempfile
import warnings
import weakref
from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import nullcontext, redirect_stderr
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import SubprocessError
from typing import Dict, List, Literal, NoReturn, Optional, Tuple, Union

import fsspec
from conda_lock._vendor.conda.core.prefix_data import PrefixData
from conda_lock._vendor.conda.models.records import PackageType
from conda_lock.conda_lock import (
from conda_lock.lockfile.v2prelim.models import MetadataOption
from fsspec.core import split_protocol

try:  # pragma: no-cover
    # Version 2 provides a v1 API
    from pydantic.v1 import BaseModel, create_model  # pragma: no cover
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from pydantic import BaseModel  # type: ignore; #pragma: no cover
    from pydantic import create_model  # type: ignore; #pragma no cover

from .conda import (
from .exceptions import CommandNotFoundError, CondaProjectError, CondaProjectLockFailed
from .project_file import (
from .utils import (

_TEMPFILE_DELETE = False if sys.platform.startswith("win") else True

DEFAULT_PLATFORMS = set(["osx-64", "win-64", "linux-64", current_platform()])

# A regex pattern used to extract package name and hash from output of "pip freeze"
_PIP_FREEZE_REGEX_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(?P<name>[\w-]+) @ .*sha256=(?P<sha256>\w+)")

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logging.basicConfig(level=os.environ.get("CONDA_PROJECT_LOGLEVEL", "WARNING"))

def _package_type_to_manager(package_type: PackageType) -> str:
    """Convert a package type to its associated manager, either "conda" or "pip"."""
    if package_type in PackageType.conda_package_types():
        return "conda"
    return "pip"

def _load_pip_sha256_hashes(prefix: str) -> dict[str, str]:
    """Load the sha256 hashes of pip-managed packages via pip freeze.

        A dictionary mapping the package name to its sha256 hash.

        pip_freeze = call_conda(["run", "-p", prefix, "pip", "freeze"])
    except CondaProjectError as e:  # pragma: no cover
        if ("pip: command not found" in str(e)) or (
            "'pip' is not recognized" in str(e)
            return {}
            raise e

    pip_sha256: dict[str, str] = {}
    for line in pip_freeze.stdout.strip().splitlines():
        m = _PIP_FREEZE_REGEX_PATTERN.match(line)
        if m is not None:
            pip_sha256["name").lower().replace("_", "-")] ="sha256")
    return pip_sha256

[docs] class CondaProject: """A project managed by `conda-project`. Attributes: directory: The project base directory. Defaults to the current working directory. condarc: A path to the local `.condarc` file. Defaults to `<directory>/.condarc`. environment_file: A path to the environment file. lock_file: A path to the conda-lock file. Args: directory: The project base directory. Raises: CondaProjectError: If no suitable environment file is found. """ def __init__(self, directory: Union[Path, str] = "."): = Path(directory).expanduser().resolve()"created Project instance at {}") self.project_yaml_path = find_file(, PROJECT_YAML_FILENAMES) if self.project_yaml_path is not None: self._project_file = CondaProjectYaml.parse_yaml(self.project_yaml_path) else: options = " or ".join(PROJECT_YAML_FILENAMES) f"No {options} file was found. Checking for environment YAML files." ) environment_yaml_path = find_file(, ENVIRONMENT_YAML_FILENAMES ) if environment_yaml_path is None: options = " or ".join(ENVIRONMENT_YAML_FILENAMES) raise CondaProjectError(f"No conda {options} file was found.") self._project_file = CondaProjectYaml(, environments=OrderedDict( [("default", [environment_yaml_path.relative_to(])] ), ) self.condarc = / ".condarc"
[docs] @classmethod def from_archive( cls, fn: Union[Path, str], storage_options: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, output_directory: Union[Path, str] = ".", ): """Extra a conda-project archive and load the project""" output_directory = Path(output_directory).expanduser() storage_options = {} if storage_options is None else storage_options protocol, _ = split_protocol(fn) if protocol is not None: options = {protocol: storage_options} fn = f"simplecache::{fn}" else: fn = Path(fn).expanduser() options = {} files = fsspec.open_files(f"libarchive://**::{fn}", **options) archive_name = Path(Path(fn).name.split(".", maxsplit=1)[0]) first_parts = set(Path(p.path).parts[0] for p in files) if ".." in first_parts: raise CondaProjectError( f"The archive {fn} contains relative paths, which are not allowed." ) if len(first_parts) == 1: # This looks like a project archive with a directory # at the top level if not project_directory = Path(list(first_parts)[0]) else: project_directory = output_directory else: # This looks like a project archive without a directory # at the top level if not project_directory = archive_name else: project_directory = output_directory for afile in files: with afile as f: if len(first_parts) == 1: if not dest = Path(afile.path) else: dest = output_directory / Path(*Path(afile.path).parts[1:]) else: if not dest = archive_name / afile.path else: dest = output_directory / afile.path dest.parents[0].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) dest.write_bytes( print(dest, file=sys.stderr) project = CondaProject(project_directory) return project
[docs] @classmethod def init( cls, directory: Union[Path, str] = ".", name: Optional[str] = None, dependencies: Optional[List[str]] = None, channels: Optional[List[str]] = None, platforms: Optional[List[str]] = None, conda_configs: Optional[List[str]] = None, from_environment: Optional[str] = None, lock_dependencies: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, ) -> CondaProject: """Initialize a new project. Creates the environment.yml file from the specified dependencies, channels, and platforms. Further a local .condarc can also be created in the directory. Args: directory: The path to use as the project directory. The directory will be created if it doesn't exist. name: Name of the project. The default is the basename of the project directory. dependencies: List of package dependencies to include in the environment.yml in MatchSpec format. channels: List of channels to search for dependencies. The default value is ['defaults'] platforms: List of platforms over which to lock the dependencies. The default is osx-64, linux-64, win-64 and your current platform if it is not already included. conda_configs: List of conda configuration parameters to include in the .condarc file written to the project directory. from_environment: Name (string) or prefix (path) to an environment to initialize the project default environment. lock_dependencies: Create the conda-lock.<env>.yml file(s) for the requested dependencies. Default is False. verbose: Print information to stdout. The default value is False. Returns: CondaProject instance for the project directory. """ directory = Path(directory).expanduser().resolve() if not directory.exists(): directory.mkdir(parents=True) existing_project_file = find_file(directory, PROJECT_YAML_FILENAMES) if existing_project_file is not None: if verbose: print(f"Existing project file found at {existing_project_file}.") return cls(directory) if name is None: name = if from_environment is None: environment_yaml = EnvironmentYaml( name="default", platforms=platforms or list(DEFAULT_PLATFORMS), ) environment_yaml.add_dependencies( dependencies=dependencies or [], channels=channels or ["defaults"] ) else: prefix = conda_prefix(from_environment) if verbose: print(f"Reading environment at {prefix}") environment_yaml, lockfile = env_export(prefix, verbose=verbose) write_conda_lock_file( lockfile, directory / f"conda-lock.{}.yml", metadata_choices={}, ) environment_yaml_path = directory / "environment.yml" environment_yaml.yaml(environment_yaml_path) project_yaml = CondaProjectYaml( name=name, environments=OrderedDict( [ (, [environment_yaml_path.relative_to(directory)], ) ] ), ) project_yaml.yaml(directory / "conda-project.yml") condarc = {} for config in conda_configs or []: k, v = config.split("=") condarc[k] = v yaml.dump(condarc, directory / ".condarc") project = cls(directory) if lock_dependencies: project.default_environment.lock(verbose=verbose) if verbose: print(f"Project created at {directory}") return project
@property def environments(self) -> BaseEnvironments: env_path = / "envs" env_paths = get_envs_paths() for path in env_paths: if not path.is_absolute(): path = / path path_writable = path.exists() and os.access(path, os.W_OK) parent_writable = (not path.exists()) and os.access(path.parent, os.W_OK) if path_writable or parent_writable: env_path = path break envs = OrderedDict() for env_name, sources in self._project_file.environments.items(): envs[env_name] = Environment( name=env_name, sources=tuple([ / str(s) for s in sources]), prefix=env_path / env_name, / f"conda-lock.{env_name}.yml", project=weakref.proxy(self), ) Environments = create_model( "Environments", **{k: (Environment, ...) for k in envs}, __base__=BaseEnvironments, ) return Environments(**envs) @property def default_environment(self) -> Environment: try: name = next(iter(self._project_file.environments)) return self.environments[name] except StopIteration: return None @property def commands(self) -> BaseCommands: cmds = OrderedDict() for name, cmd in self._project_file.commands.items(): if isinstance(cmd, str): cmd_args = cmd environment = self.default_environment command_variables = None else: cmd_args = cmd.cmd environment = ( self.environments[cmd.environment] if cmd.environment is not None else self.default_environment ) command_variables = cmd.variables cmds[name] = Command( name=name, cmd=cmd_args, environment=environment, command_variables=command_variables, project=weakref.proxy(self), ) Commands = create_model( "Commands", **{k: (Command, ...) for k in cmds}, __base__=BaseCommands ) return Commands(**cmds) @property def default_command(self) -> Command: if not self._project_file.commands: raise CommandNotFoundError("This project has no defined commands.") name = next(iter(self._project_file.commands)) return self.commands[name]
[docs] def check(self, verbose=False) -> bool: """Check the project for inconsistencies or errors. This will check that conda-lock.<env>.yml file(s) exist for each environment and that they are up-to-date against the environment specification. Returns: Boolean: True if all environments are locked and update to date, False if any environment is not locked or out-of-date. """ return_status = [] for env in self.environments.values(): if not env.lockfile.exists(): if verbose: print(f"The environment {} is not locked.", file=sys.stderr) print( f"Run 'conda project lock {}' to create.", file=sys.stderr, ) return_status.append(False) elif not env.is_locked: if verbose: print( f"The lockfile for environment {} is out-of-date.", file=sys.stderr, ) print( f"Run 'conda project lock {}' to fix.", file=sys.stderr ) return_status.append(False) else: return_status.append(True) return all(return_status)
[docs] class Variable(BaseModel): key: str default_value: str
[docs] class Environment(BaseModel): name: str sources: Tuple[Path, ...] prefix: Path lockfile: Path project: CondaProject
[docs] class Config: allow_mutation = False extra = "forbid" arbitrary_types_allowed = True
@property def _overrides(self): specified_channels = [] specified_platforms = set() for fn in self.sources: env = EnvironmentYaml.parse_yaml(fn) for channel in env.channels or []: if channel not in specified_channels: specified_channels.append(channel) if env.platforms is not None: specified_platforms.update(env.platforms) channel_overrides = None if not specified_channels: env_files = ",".join([ for source in self.sources]) msg = f"there are no 'channels:' key in {env_files} assuming 'defaults'." warnings.warn(msg) channel_overrides = ["defaults"] platform_overrides = None if not specified_platforms: platform_overrides = list(DEFAULT_PLATFORMS) return channel_overrides, platform_overrides def _is_locked(self, platform: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """ bool: Returns True if the lockfile is consistent with the source files, False otherwise. """ channel_overrides, platform_overrides = self._overrides if self.lockfile.exists(): lock = parse_conda_lock_file(self.lockfile) spec = make_lock_spec( src_files=list(self.sources), channel_overrides=channel_overrides, platform_overrides=platform_overrides, virtual_package_repo=default_virtual_package_repodata(), ) if platform is None: all_up_to_date = all( p in lock.metadata.platforms and spec.content_hash_for_platform(p) == lock.metadata.content_hash[p] for p in spec.platforms ) return all_up_to_date else: platform_hash = lock.metadata.content_hash.get(platform) if platform_hash is None: return False return ( spec.content_hash_for_platform(platform) == lock.metadata.content_hash[platform] ) else: return False @property def is_locked(self) -> bool: return self._is_locked() @property def is_locked_current_platform(self) -> bool: return self._is_locked(current_platform()) @property def is_consistent(self) -> bool: """ bool: Returns True if the conda environment exists and is consistent with the environment source and lock files, False otherwise. If is_locked is False is_prepared is False. """ if not (self.prefix / "conda-meta" / "history").exists(): return False if not self.is_locked: return False # Here, we ensure that we clear the cache on the PrefixData class. This is to # ensure that we freshly load the installed packages each time. PrefixData._cache_.pop(self.prefix, None) pip_sha256 = _load_pip_sha256_hashes(str(self.prefix)) # Generate a set of (name, version, manager, hash) tuples from the conda environment # We also convert the conda package_type attribute to a string in the set # {"conda", "pip"} to allow direct comparison with conda-lock. # TODO: pip_interop_enabled is marked "DO NOT USE". What is the alternative? pd = PrefixData(self.prefix, pip_interop_enabled=True) installed_pkgs = set() for p in pd.iter_records(): manager = _package_type_to_manager(p.package_type) if manager == "pip": sha256 = pip_sha256.get( else: sha256 = p.md5 # not all conda packages will have a published sha256 installed_pkgs.add((, p.version, manager, sha256)) # Generate a set of (name, version, manager, hash) tuples from the lockfile # We only include locked packages for the current platform, and don't # include optional dependencies (e.g. compile/build) lock = parse_conda_lock_file(self.lockfile) current_platform_packages = [ p for p in lock.package if p.platform == current_platform() and p.category == "main" ] # When an environment is installed pypi packages take precedence deduped_lock = dedupe_list_of_dicts( current_platform_packages, key=lambda x:, keep=lambda x: x.manager == "pip", ) locked_pkgs = set() for p in deduped_lock: hash = p.hash.md5 if p.manager == "conda" else p.hash.sha256 locked_pkgs.add((, p.version, p.manager, hash)) # Compare the sets # We can do this because the tuples are hashable. Also we don't need to # consider ordering. return installed_pkgs == locked_pkgs
[docs] def lock( self, force: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, ) -> None: """Generate locked package lists for the supplied or default platforms Utilizes conda-lock to build the conda-lock.<env>.yml file(s). Args: force: Rebuild the conda-lock.<env>.yml file even if no changes were made to the dependencies. verbose: A verbose flag passed into the `conda lock` command. """ if self.is_locked and not force: if verbose: print( f"The lockfile {} already exists and is up-to-date.\n" f"Run 'conda project lock --force {} to recreate it from source specification." ) return channel_overrides, platform_overrides = self._overrides specified_channels = [] specified_platforms = set() for fn in self.sources: env = EnvironmentYaml.parse_yaml(fn) for channel in env.channels or []: if channel not in specified_channels: specified_channels.append(channel) if env.platforms: specified_platforms.update(env.platforms) with redirect_stderr(StringIO()) as _: with env_variable("CONDARC", str(self.project.condarc)): if verbose: p = sorted( platform_overrides if platform_overrides is not None else specified_platforms ) context = Spinner( prefix=f"Locking dependencies for environment {} on " f"platforms {', '.join(p)}" ) else: context = nullcontext() with context: try: make_lock_files( conda=CONDA_EXE, src_files=list(self.sources), lockfile_path=self.lockfile, kinds=["lock"], platform_overrides=platform_overrides, channel_overrides=channel_overrides, check_input_hash=not force, metadata_choices={MetadataOption.TimeStamp}, ) except SubprocessError as e: try: output = json.loads(e.output) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: # A bug in conda-libmamba-solver causes serialization # errors so we'll just print the full stack trace on error. raise CondaProjectLockFailed(e.stderr) original_msg = output.get("message") if original_msg is not None: msg = original_msg.replace( "target environment", f"supplied channels: {channel_overrides or specified_channels}", ) else: msg = output.get( "traceback", "<something went wrong during the lock and the message could not be recovered>", ) msg = "Project failed to lock\n" + msg raise CondaProjectLockFailed(msg) lock = parse_conda_lock_file(self.lockfile) msg = f"Locked dependencies for {', '.join(lock.metadata.platforms)} platforms"
[docs] def install( self, force: bool = False, as_platform: Optional[str] = None, verbose: bool = False, ) -> Path: """Install all dependencies into the conda environment. Creates a new conda environment and installs the packages from the environment.yaml file. Environments are always created from the conda-lock.<env>.yml file(s). The conda-lock.<env>.yml file(s) will be created if they do not already exist. Args: force: If True, will force creation of a new conda environment. as_platform: Install dependencies as an explicit platform. By default, the platform will be identified for the system. verbose: A verbose flag passed into the `conda create` command. Raises: CondaProjectError: If no suitable environment file can be found. Returns: The path to the created environment. """ if not self.is_locked_current_platform: if verbose and self.lockfile.exists(): print(f"The lockfile {self.lockfile} is out-of-date, re-locking...") self.lock(verbose=verbose) else: if not self.is_locked: warnings.warn( UserWarning( f"Platforms other than your current platform ({current_platform()}) are not" f"locked or out-of-date.\nConsider running conda project lock." ) ) if self.is_consistent: if not force:"environment already exists at {self.prefix}") if verbose: print( f"The environment already exists and is up-to-date.\n" f"run 'conda project prepare --force {} to recreate it from the locked dependencies." ) return self.prefix elif ( self.prefix / "conda-meta" / "history" ).exists() and not self.is_consistent: if not force: if verbose: print( f"The environment exists but does not match the locked dependencies.\n" f"Run 'conda project prepare --force {}' to recreate the environment from the " f"locked dependencies." ) return self.prefix lock = parse_conda_lock_file(self.lockfile) local_env_condarc = self.prefix / "condarc" previous_platform = None if local_env_condarc.exists(): with"r") as f: previous_platform = yaml.load(f).get("subdir", None) platform = current_platform() if as_platform is None: if previous_platform is not None: platform = previous_platform else: platform = as_platform if platform not in lock.metadata.platforms: msg = ( f"Your current platform, {platform}, is not in the supported locked platforms.\n" f"You may need to edit your environment source files and run 'conda project lock' again.\n" f"If your system supports multiple platforms you can try using the --as-platform <subdir> flag." ) raise CondaProjectError(msg) rendered = render_lockfile_for_platform( lockfile=lock, platform=platform, kind="explicit", include_dev_dependencies=False, extras=None, ) _pip_dependency_prefix = "# pip " # from conda-lock pip_requirements = [ line.split(_pip_dependency_prefix)[1].replace("#md5=None", "") for line in rendered if line.startswith(_pip_dependency_prefix) ] with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=_TEMPFILE_DELETE) as f: f.write("\n".join(rendered)) f.flush() variables = {} if as_platform is not None: variables["CONDA_SUBDIR"] = as_platform args = [ "create", "-y", *("--file",, *("-p", str(self.prefix)), ] if force: args.append("--force") _ = call_conda( args, condarc_path=self.project.condarc, variables=variables, verbose=verbose, logger=logger, ) if pip_requirements: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=_TEMPFILE_DELETE) as f: f.write("\n".join(pip_requirements)) f.flush() args = [ "run", *("-p", str(self.prefix)), *("pip", "install", "--no-deps"), *("-r", str(, ] call_conda( args, condarc_path=self.project.condarc, verbose=verbose, logger=logger, ) with (self.prefix / ".gitignore").open("wt") as f: f.write("*") if platform != current_platform(): with (self.prefix / "condarc").open("wt") as f: f.write(f"subdir: {platform}\n") msg = f"environment created at {self.prefix}" if verbose: print(msg) return self.prefix
[docs] def clean( self, verbose: bool = False, ) -> None: """Remove the conda environment.""" _ = call_conda( ["env", "remove", "-y", "-p", str(self.prefix)], condarc_path=self.project.condarc, verbose=verbose, logger=logger, )
def _update( self, dependencies: List[str], channels: Optional[List[str]] = None, method: Literal["add", "remove"] = "add", verbose: bool = False, ) -> None: writable_source = self.sources[ 0 ] # TODO: if multiple sources identify the first writable source = EnvironmentYaml.parse_yaml(writable_source) original_source = source.copy(deep=True) assert method in ["add", "remove"], f"{method} is not allowed for _update" if method == "add": source.add_dependencies(dependencies, channels) elif method == "remove": source.remove_dependencies(dependencies) source.yaml(writable_source) if source == original_source: return try: self.lock(verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: original_source.yaml(writable_source) raise e if (self.prefix / "conda-meta" / "history").exists(): self.install(force=True, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def add( self, dependencies: List[str], channels: Optional[List[str]] = None, verbose: bool = False, ) -> None: self._update( dependencies=dependencies, channels=channels, method="add", verbose=verbose )
[docs] def remove( self, dependencies: List[str], verbose: bool = False, ) -> None: self._update(dependencies=dependencies, method="remove", verbose=verbose)
[docs] def activate(self, verbose=False) -> None: if not self.is_consistent: self.install(verbose=verbose) env = prepare_variables(, self.project._project_file.variables ) conda_activate(prefix=self.prefix,, env=env)
[docs] class BaseEnvironments(BaseModel): def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Environment: return getattr(self, key)
[docs] def keys(self): return self.__dict__.keys()
[docs] def values(self): return self.__dict__.values()
[docs] class Config: allow_mutation = False
[docs] class Command(BaseModel): name: str cmd: str environment: Optional[Environment] = None command_variables: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[str]]] = None project: CondaProject
[docs] def run( self, environment=None, external_environment=None, extra_args=None, verbose=False, ) -> NoReturn: if external_environment is None and self.environment is None: prefix = conda_prefix() elif external_environment is not None: prefix = conda_prefix(external_environment) else: if environment is None: environment = self.environment else: if isinstance(environment, str): environment = self.project.environments[environment] if not environment.is_consistent: environment.install(verbose=verbose) prefix = environment.prefix env = prepare_variables(, self.project._project_file.variables, self.command_variables, ) conda_run( cmd=self.cmd, prefix=prefix,, env=env, extra_args=extra_args, )
[docs] class Config: arbitrary_types_allowed = True
[docs] class BaseCommands(BaseModel): def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Command: try: return getattr(self, key) except AttributeError: raise CommandNotFoundError(f"The command {key} is not defined.")
[docs] def keys(self): return self.__dict__.keys()
[docs] def values(self): return self.__dict__.values()
[docs] class Config: allow_mutation = False